Comments on U.S. Election Hacking

This BLOG has and always will remain apolitical. I do not believe that politics has anything to do with cyber security, protecting organizations, or most importantly, protecting individuals. I cringe at recent podcasts in the cyber security space where the hosts throw on a jersey and start commenting on election hacking or politically motivated attacks.  Frankly, politics take away from the point. We are all at risk of a cyber security attack. Corporations, small businesses, government offices, individuals, politicians, and even charity groups.

This is not a political issue! I will point to a recent post on the Microsoft site that rings to light the fact that both presidential campaigns are under attack during the US election cycle.  No one is immune from this. In previous elections we saw both, Democratic and Republican candidate emails become hacked. By only recognizing stories that benefit one side, we end up ignoring the truth, which inadvertently affects everyone.  

Foreign actors are not picking sides in an election. When you review the facts, you will see that there are groups in many countries simultaneously hitting both campaigns. Their goal is not to find information they can use against either person if they win. They are looking for their own gains; there is no conspiracy. They are acting in their own interests independent of the candidates themselves.

Here, at JSCM Group, we will always strive to help protect any organization from cyber attacks. As long as you are a moral and ethical company, we will help you.  We do not care what side of the political aisle you are on.  No one should be the victim of a cyber attack.  Cyber attacks cost people money, jobs, healthcare, access to education, and access to information.

This will be the one and only BLOG post or comments on the election hacking. This is not an issue that we are focused on because regardless of which letter of the alphabet wins, our clients will still be at risk. Our client’s client will still be at risk. The leadership of this company will always remain apolitical and serve our cause of helping our clients.  It does not matter what your beliefs are, we will help you.

We will, however, continue our quest to get the leaders of this country to enact more protections for organizations and individuals while pressing to get more defenses against foreign attackers.  Because as much as they try to attack a political campaign, they attack businesses way more. Unfortunately, those stories never make the news cycle or the rounds of talking heads on any of the cable news networks, and that is a disappointment.